Thursday, February 11, 2010

PC Condom

I got infected with a virus the other day. I was on a 'questionable' site and a stupid popup came up, I mis-read the yes/no question and BOOM.


It took me over 2 hours to clean the mess it created...and I know what I'm doing.

It pissed me off so much that I decided to 'fix the problem'. Like they say..."Necessity is the Mother of Invention."

So I want to make a product call 'PC Condom.'

While I think I can do the magic, I'll outsource it to the 'experts'. It'll probably cost me several ten thousands of dollars, but maybe I can get some magic Obama money. (I'll probably try it anyway )

Right now, I think the best approach is to completely protect the machine...the downside is when they take the 'condom' off, the computer will need to reboot.

But I think that is acceptable.

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